
Cytosolic DNA Sensing Inhibitors

Cytosolic DNA sensing signaling inhibitors
Cytosolic DNA sensing signaling inhibitors

InvivoGen provides inhibitors of the cytosolic dsDNA sensing signaling pathways.
Depending on your research needs, you may choose from:

- Direct inhibitors of cGAS

- Inhibitors targeting TBK1/IKKε, kinases signaling downstream CDS & STING

- Inhibitors of cGAS trafficking 


Note: InvivoGen also offers H151, a STING inhibitor.


These inhibitors are chemically synthesized and are characterized by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) and mass spectrometry.

For each lot, the absence of bacterial contamination (e.g. endotoxins) is verified using cell-based assays.


See our Poster on Inhibitor Signaling Pathways


InvivoGen's collection of inhibitors is for research only use.


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