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Zeocin® (solution)

Selective antibiotic for the Sh ble gene

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500 mg (5 x 1ml)

1g (10 x 1 ml)

5g (50 x 1 ml)

5 g (50 ml bottle)


Zeocin® (powder)

Selective antibiotic for the Sh ble gene

Show product

1 g (powder)

5 g (powder)


Zeocin® | Selection antibiotic: endotoxin tested, sterile reagent

InvivoGen is the sole worldwide producer of Zeocin®.

Zeocin® is a formulation of phleomycin D1, a copper-chelated glycopeptide antibiotic produced by a proprietary strain Streptomyces CL990. Zeocin® causes cell death by intercalating into DNA and cleaving it.
The action of Zeocin® is effective on most aerobic cells. Therefore, Zeocin® is a popular and effective antibiotic for the selection of vectors bearing the Sh ble gene in a variety of cells types (bacteria, eukaryotic microorganisms, plant and animal cells).

Resistance to Zeocin® is conferred by the Sh ble gene product from Streptoalloteichus hindustanus, which inactivates Zeocin® upon binding to the antibiotic [1-3].
Sh ble is a small 370bp-sized gene and is carried in a number of InvivoGen’s vectors.

Typically, mammalian cells are sensitive to Zeocin® concentrations of 50-400 µg/ml, and bacteria to 25 µg/ml.

Note: Zeocin® is a trademark of InvivoGen registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.


1. Drocourt D. et al., 1990. Cassettes of the Streptoalloteichus hindustanus ble gene for transformation of lower and higher eukaryotes to phleomycin resistance. Nucl. Acids. Res. 18: 4009.
2. Gatignol A. et al., 1988. FEBS Letters. 230: 171-5.
3. Dumas P. et al., 1994. Embo J. 242 (5) 595-601.


Zeocin® by InvivoGen
Zeocin® by InvivoGen
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Product concentration: 100 mg/ml in solution

CAS number: 11006-33-0

Quality Control: Each lot is thoroughly tested to ensure the absence of lot-to-lot variation.

Endotoxin level: < 1 EU/mg

Physicochemical characterization: HPLC, pH, appearance

Cell-culture tested: potency validated in Zeocin®-sensitive and Zeocin®-resistant mammalian cell lines

Non-cytotoxicity of trace contaminants: absence of long-term effects confirmed in Zeocin®-resistant cells

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Zeocin® is supplied as a sterile filtered blue solution at 100 mg/ml in HEPES buffer.

This product is available in three pack sizes:

  • ant-zn-1: 10 x 1 ml (1 g)
  • ant-zn-5: 50 x 1 ml (5 g)
  • ant-zn-5b: 1 x 50 ml (5 g)

Zeocin® is also supplied as a blue powder:

  • ant-zn-1p: 1 x 1 g
  • ant-zn-5p: 1 x 5 g

Zeocin® is shipped at room temperature.

Upon receipt it should be stored at 4°C or -20°C.

Zeocin® is a harmful compound. Refer to safety data sheet for handling instructions.

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Zeocin® is normally used at a concentration of 100 μg/ml, a 1000-fold dilution from the stock solution. However, the optimal concentration needs to be determined for your cells.
Suggested concentrations of Zeocin® for selection in some examples of mammalian cells are listed below:

Cell line


Zeocin® conc


B16 (Mouse melanocytes)


20-250 μg/ml


CHO (Chinese hamster ovarian cells)


100-500 μg/ml

1, 4, 5

COS (Monkey kidney cells)


100-400 μg/ml

6, 7

HEK293 (Human embryonic kidney cells) DMEM 100-400 μg/ml 8, 9
HeLa (Human uterine cells) DMEM 50-100 μg/ml 10, 11
J558L (Mouse melanocytes) RPMI 400 μg/ml 12
MCF-7 (Human breast adenocarcinoma cells) DMEM 100-400 μg/ml 13, 14
MEFs (Mouse embryonic fibroblasts) DMEM 200-400 μg/ml 15, 16
THP-1 (Human monocytes) RPMI 200 μg/ml 17


1. Bouayadi K. et al., 1997. Overexpression of DNA polymerase beta sensitizes mammalian cells to 2’,3’ deoxycytidine and 3’-azido-3’-deoxythymidine. Cancer Res. 57: 110-116.
2 Hirose Y. et al., 2012. Inhibition of Stabilin-2 elevates circulating hyaluronic acid levels and prevents tumor metastasis. PNAS, 109: 4263 - 4268.
3. Fan H. et al., 2012. Intracerebral CpG immunotherapy with carbon nanotubes abrogates growth of subcutaneous melanomas in mice. Clin Cancer Res.18(20):5628-38.
4. Li F. et al., 1996. Post-translational modifications of recombinant P-selection glycoprotein ligand-1 required for binding to P- and E- selection. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 3255-3264.
5.  Ogura  T.  et al., 2004. Resistance of B16 melanoma cells to CD47-induced negative regulation of motility as a result of aberrant N-glycosylation of SHPS-1. J Biol Chem. 279(14):13711-20.
6. Saxena A. et al., 2002. H2, the minor subunit of the human asialoglycoprotein receptor, trafficks intracellularly and forms homo-oligomers, but does not bind asialo-orosomucoid. J Biol Chem. 277(38):35297-304.
7. Kanamori A. et al., 2002. Distinct sulfation requirements of selectins disclosed using cells that support rolling mediated by all three selectins under shear flow. L-selectin prefers carbohydrate 6-sulfation totyrosine sulfation, whereas p-selectin does not. J Biol Chem. 277(36):32578-86.
8. Ahmed et al., 2013. TRIF-mediated TLR3 and TLR4 signaling is negatively regulated by ADAM15. J Immunol. 190(5):2217-28.
9. Büllesbach EE. & Schwabe C., 2006. The mode of interaction of the relaxin-like factor (RLF) with the leucine-rich repeat G protein-activated receptor 8. J Biol Chem. 281(36):26136-43.
10. Mesnil M. et al., 1996. Bystander killing of cancer cells by herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene is mediated by connexins. PNAS 93(5):1831-5.
11. Maszczak-Seneczko D. et al., 2013. UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transporter (SLC35A3) regulates biosynthesis of highly branched N-glycans and keratan sulfate. J Biol Chem. 288(30):21850-60.
12. Cedeno-Laurent F. et al., 2010. Development of a nascent galectin-1 chimeric molecule for studying the role of leukocyte galectin-1 ligands and immune disease modulation. J Immunol. 185(8):4659-72.
13. Kim HS. et al., 2004. Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3 induces caspase-dependent apoptosis through a death receptor-mediated pathway in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. Cancer Res. 64(6):2229-37.
14. List HJ. et al., 2001. Ribozyme targeting demonstrates that the nuclear receptor coactivator AIB1 is a rate-limiting factor for estrogen-dependent growth of human MCF-7 breast cancer cells. J Biol Chem. 276(26):23763-8.
15. Waak J. et al., 2009. Oxidizable residues mediating protein stability and cytoprotective interaction of DJ-1 with apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1. J Biol Chem. 284(21):14245-57.
16. Maue A. et al., 2013. The polysaccharide capsule of Campylobacter jejuni modulates the host immune response. Infect Immun. 81(3):665-72

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Is the Zeocin® you provide hydrochloric or sulfate?

We supply hydrochloric Zeocin®.

Is Zeocin® photosensitive?
No, Zeocin® is not photosensitive.

Is Zeocin® pH sensitive?
Zeocin® will undergo irreversible denaturation at a low and high pH (<6 and >8) or in the presence of a weak oxidant.

What buffer can be used to dilute Zeocin® to make intermediate working solutions?
Further dilutions should be performed in sterile water to create an intermediate working solution.

What is the concentration of HEPES buffer used to reconstitute Zeocin®?
The concentration of HEPES buffer used to reconstitute Zeocin® is 5 g/L.

What is the preferred storage method for Zeocin®?
Zeocin® is shipped at room temperature. Upon receipt, it should be stored at 4°C for short term storage or -20°C for long term storage.
Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
The expiry date is specified on the product label.
For Zeocin® powder, once resuspended at 100 mg/ml, it can be stored at 4°C for 12 months or -20 °C for 18 months.
For Zeocin® solution, once opened it remains stable for 1 year at -20°C providing you avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles, and it can be kept at 4°C for 3 months provided it is kept in sterile conditions.

What is the selection concentration of Zeocin® in mammalian cells?
The working concentration of Zeocin® in mammalian cell lines varies between 50 - 400 μg/ml, with a few reported cases of its use at lower (i.e. 20 μg/ml) and higher (i.e. 1000 μg/ml) concentrations. In an initial experiment we recommend to determine the optimal concentration of Zeocin® required to kill your host cell line. For more detailed information, please refer to the technical data sheet for this product.

What is the selection concentration of Zeocin® in E. coli?
Zeocin-resistant transformants are selected in low salt LB agar supplemented with 25 μg/ml of Zeocin®.
Important: Do not use an E. coli recipient strain that contains the Tn5 transposable element (i.e. MC1066). Tn5 encodes a bleomycin-resistance gene that will confer resistance to Zeocin®.


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